Gerard Way is among the voice cast for a Dungeons & Dragons pinball game
My Chemical Romance singer Gerard Way joins the likes of Michael Dorn and Kevin Smith in the voice cast of the new Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant’s Eye.
It's called I Am The Hag.
Last year brought us a bunch of surprising treats from Gerard Way – from the ace Umbrella Academy trailer, to three new songs: Baby You’re A Haunted House, Getting Down The Germs and Christmas tune Dasher.
And, according to the musician's insightful 2018 end-of-year round-up on his website, even more new music could be arriving in 2019.
"2018 was a dark year full of black magic in my opinion, so it got me thinking about witches again," Gerard writes, alongside a photo of a pretty creepy mask. "I was inspired to buy this mask because I had just written a song called I Am The Hag, which I haven’t finished yet. It’s kind of heavy. Maybe I’ll release it in 2019."
Meanwhile, of writing and recording music a whole lot in 2018, he says: "Almost every Friday this year I got to make music again, which was great. Ended up with quite the collection of demos and even got to start releasing music again toward the end of the year. Glad music was playing a role in my life again, as I had been spending the last two years writing comics and working on television."
Read the full thing – which takes in travel, squirrels, vintage T-shirts and much more – at
In more Gerard news, his Netflix Umbrella Academy series will be coming out on February 15.