Live review: Green Lung, London O2 Kentish Town Forum
Green Lung triumphantly bring the glory and magic of their heathen land to the city at their massive, landmark headline show...
A selection of pictures of grubby folks having a good time in some fields in the East Midlands.
Photographer Tom Brooker was kind enough to grab a few snaps of the battlejackets, costumes and tattoos while he was knocking around Download this weekend. Behold:
If the Avengers were British, they'd look a lot like this.
The year that no one turns up to Download in an Oompa Loopa costumes is the year the true spirit of Download has been lost.
No silly caption here, we're just big fans of this backpatch.
A true believer, right here.
No idea who these people are dressed up as. The top half of Napoleon Dynamite? IDK.
We love a nice densely packed battle vest.
Lots of good old fashioned, proper goths came out to see Marilyn Manson, it was a joy to behold. Crushed velvet can't be great to wear in the heat though.
Lots of Slash's turned up for GN'R on Saturday.
If you go to a festival in body paint, do you sleep in it in your tent and everything? If so... we respect your commitment to looking fun and salute you.
This guy was on his stag we're pretty sure.
Excellent effort, especially in the heat, but Shrek and a chainsaw seem like two completely unrelated things.
..but they're not! It's a big old pun!
Again, a struggle in the heat.
Lots of Rev-related body art was great to see.
Roll on next year!
And be sure to pick up the new issue of Kerrang! for even more Download goodness…