
Jackass stars discuss the scenes that were too violent for TV

Steve-O reminisces about the time Johnny Knoxville “shot himself”. Ha… ha?

Jackass stars discuss the scenes that were too violent for TV
Nick Ruskell

For a series in which a full festival toilet gets fired from a fairground ride with a man locked in it, and where one of the cast go for an X-ray with a toy car up his arse, sometimes things can go too far even for Jackass.

Speaking to Hot Ones, Jackass star Steve-O and Wee-Man revealed three of the things that didn’t make the cut.

“He [Johnny Knoxville] just got in a box, they tucked in some pillows around him, taped it up, rolled it down a huge flight of cement stairs, and it was violent as hell.”

Picking up the “violence” theme, Steve-O then remembered, “when Knoxville shot himself with the 38-calibre Smith & Wesson handgun.”

And then, because sometimes the best and most classic idiocy is the simplest, there was the occasion where Johnny simply got run over. “When he said, ‘I’m Johnny Knoxville and I’m going to get hit by a car real soon,’ [the] car just came flying, he went through the windshield, rolled over.

“They asked him, ‘What were you thinking when you got hit by a car?’ And his answer was, ‘I wore two pairs of jeans so that I’d be safe’.”

The fourth Jackass full-length movie, Jackass Forever, is set for release on February 4, 2022. Watch the trailer below, and look out for the bit where Machine Gun Kelly gets slapped by a giant hand.

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