
Listen To The First Episode Of Frank Iero's New Podcast, Casual Interactions

Interesting stuff.

Listen To The First Episode Of Frank Iero's New Podcast, Casual Interactions

Frank Iero has announced a new monthly podcast, Casual Interactions, and launched the first episode.

The musician is joined by John Hambone McGuire and Shaun Simon for the podcast, and on the first instalment they cover "the untold story of how we met and the beginning and the end of Pencey Prep."

In his announcement of Casual Interactions, Frank says:

güd afternöon frends, i’m proud to announce a monthly podcast i made with people i know and love, @johnhambonemcguire & @sdotsimon

It’s called Casual Interactions and episode 1 is available now! you can listen to it on itunes and spotify and all the normal podcasty type websites or you can just go to the B. Calm youtube channel and listen there. like and subscribe and be merry.

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Frank Iero photo: Chris Casey

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