
MOD SUN drops new single Rich Kids Ruin Everything

Listen to MOD SUN’s massive new single Rich Kids Ruin Everything, which tackles those who simply follow trends rather than carving out their own original paths…

MOD SUN drops new single Rich Kids Ruin Everything
Emily Carter

MOD SUN has shared a huge new single, Rich Kids Ruin Everything.

Discussing the meaning of the track – which features sarcastic lyrics like, 'I saw your new TikTok, oh my god you’re so punk rock' – the musician explains: “I grew up a scene kid, I grew up a skateboarder and a pop-punk kid and I used to get made fun of for being all of those, for the way I looked, the way I dressed, for the way I acted and all the things love and it’s both awesome and hilarious, yet confusing seeing the general public and pop culture embracing all the things that I would get torn down for. This is a song that I wrote for all the kids that feel confident in their own skin and don’t walk around wearing a costume.

“Everything now is about trends," he continues. "If it keeps going this way and getting championed then eventually originality will be a lost art. I’m trying to let people know that there’s more to this world than what’s currently popular. I want kids to feel like it’s important to be visionaries not followers."

Listen below:

Last month, MOD SUN premiered a YouTube documentary, Remember Me Just Like This, all about his life.

“This documentary shows all the ups and downs of my journey,” he revealed. “I came from a place where no-one told me I was going to make it but I never gave up. I always treated myself like what I was doing was special and most of all important. I believed in me before anyone else did and because of that I'm here today. It talks about my family life which was very difficult but I know so many can relate to the struggles that come with imperfection. I'm proud to show my transformation from drug addict to now being almost three years sober because I know so many people can take something from it. Life can be hard but the present is a gift and this documentary is a celebration of that.”

Watch Remember Me Just Like This in its entirety here:

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