
Nikki Sixx on if Mötley Crüe were sexist in their heyday: “In today’s environment, most probably”

Mötley Crüe's Nikki Sixx admits that the band were "most probably" sexist in the ’80s – but, he adds, "As was everybody."

Nikki Sixx on if Mötley Crüe were sexist in their heyday: “In today’s environment, most probably”
Kerrang! staff

Nikki Sixx has admitted that, by today's standards, Mötley Crüe were "most probably" a sexist band back in their ’80s heyday, though he adds that it wasn't just them – it was "everybody".

Speaking to Classic Rock (via Louder) about what a "different time" it was in the ’80s, the bassist is asked about comments that Mötley Crüe were sexist at the time. "In today’s environment, most probably," he says. "As was everybody. In the ’70s, when I grew up, it was just the messaging that came through, and you were emulating your heroes."

It's a topic that came up when Kerrang! interviewed Nikki in 2019 for Netflix biopic The Dirt. Reflecting on the more sexual aspects of the movie, Nikki agreed that what went on "would be unacceptable now".

"But, listen, if we left that stuff out it would be dishonest film-making," he added. "I was thinking about this: if there was a movie made about the Colonial period and it left out the burning of the witches, what kind of film would that be? In 2019, burning witches is obviously bad, but I think we all know that. When it comes to our movie, we understand that the way that society was at that time [in the ​‘80s], girls and guys acted in different ways. It was a different time. We’ve grown up from that.

"But the one thing we never did, and I need to say this, is we never abused our power. That’s something that I think is important to know. Whatever we did was consensual. It was wild and it was fun – I mean, every band was going fucking crazy – but what if we omitted that because it’s not politically correct in 2019?"

Read this: Nikki Sixx: “The Dirt was warts’n’all… I don’t know how we survived”

When asked if the band had 'anything to fear from the #MeToo movement', Nikki responded: "No. Here’s the thing: if anybody was abusing power, that’s one thing. But it was a time when everyone was living a life that is very different from today’s. That was then and this is now. No, we don’t have anything to worry about. But we would have done the wrong thing if we had made a film that worried about presenting us in a way that was politically correct."

Nikki's new memoir The First 21: How I Became Nikki Sixx is due out on October 19, and will be available in hardcover, eBook, and an audio edition by Hachette Audio.

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