
Ozzy Osbourne Is Back To His Normal Routine

Recovery is going well for Ozzy Osbourne, following his recent illness.

Ozzy Osbourne Cancels Tour Dates to Recover From Pneumonia

Sharon and Jack Osbourne have given an update to U.S. channel Access about Ozzy Osbourne's current condition following a bout of pneumonia, and they've stated that he's now "back to his normal routine".

In a new interview with the Prince Of Darkness' wife and son, both joked about Ozzy "complaining a lot" – a sure sign that he's feeling better.

“Well, if this gauges where he’s at, he's complaining a lot and he's back to his normal routine. So everything's A-okay,” said Jack, while Sharon added: “That's always a good sign, when he complains and he's miserable then you know it's good.”

“It's when he's happy and skipping around, you're like, ‘There's something really wrong here. Call the doctor!’” Jack said.

Ozzy was forced to postpone his UK and European shows earlier in the year, as well as cancelling the Australia, New Zealand and Japan leg of No More Tours II due to illness.

“Ozzy recently developed pneumonia and has spent some time in hospital," said Sharon at the time. "He is through the worst part.

"His doctors have advised that he stay at home to recuperate for full six weeks.”

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