
Polaris: Aussie Metalcore Crew Giving The Scene A Shot In The Arm

Polaris are the ambitious Sydney quintet intent on reviving a down and out metalcore scene…

Polaris: Aussie Metalcore Crew Giving The Scene A Shot In The Arm
Jake Richardson

Polaris are a big deal in their native Australia. The band’s last album, 2017’s The Mortal Coil, charted at number six at home, which wasn’t bad going considering it was both their debut full-length and a metalcore record that didn’t shy away from red-blooded heaviness and aggression. It turned the Sydney quintet from a promising band into serious contenders, and they haven’t looked back since.

“It was quite a shock,” vocalist Jamie Hails says of the band’s rise. “Things got pretty big pretty quickly, and it’s felt like a real rollercoaster ever since we released [2016 EP] The Guilt & The Grief. Then The Mortal Coil led to overseas touring and high-profile festivals, and the shows have consistently gotten bigger and better. It’s very ‘pinch me’ stuff – I can’t really explain how or why things have grown like they have.”

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It’s probably got something to do with just how good Polaris are at making state-of-the-art metalcore. There are no generic song structures or vapid lyrics here; Polaris’ music is expertly crafted for maximum effect, and the tracks hit home whether they’re dealing in huge, melodic choruses or bludgeoning riffs, growls and savage breakdowns.

“There are multiple sides to this band,” says Jamie of their sound. “Take our two recent singles, Masochist and Hypermania. Masochist really pushes the boundaries and has the kind of chorus that will get people’s attention, whereas Hypermania is just pure aggression, and proof we’ve definitely not gone soft.”

The songs Jamie speaks of are the first taste of Polaris’ upcoming second album, The Death Of Me. An expansive record that runs the full gamut of metalcore, he’s convinced it’ll help breathe new life into a genre that often feels like it’s retreading old ground.

“We’re really pushing things to get bigger with The Death Of Me,” he concludes. “People consider metalcore a done and dusted genre, but we’re writing in a style that a lot of people are grabbing onto, and this album is stretching those limits even further. Without wanting to sound like I’m tooting my own horn, The Death Of Me is a fresh take on metal, and a record that, in my opinion, genuinely brings something new to the table.”

Polaris' album The Death Of Me is out on February 21 via Resist/Sharptone.

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