Check out all the sweet-ass swag we were giving away as our prize competition this week! You entered via the medium of scratchcard, which is kind of like a retro version of those annoying-as-fuck 'click on all the boxes with road signs' tests some websites force you to complete before proceeding, where you end up squinting to work out if the lo-res squiggle in the top left corner is or isn't a road sign, only to fail 736 times and leaving you with an existential complex, questioning if you really are a robot or not after all.
But we digress. Quite a bit, actually. Sorry.
Anyway, win this comp and you could have scooped an Earache Records goodie bag with a bunch of actually really good albums and T-shirts and a state of the art CD Stereo System, complete with cassette tape deck. What's a cassette tape? Ask a hipster…