
Softcult have released a dreamy new single, Love Song

Watch the video for Softcult’s new “anxious love song”, which is about the risk of ruining relationships because of fear…

Softcult have released a dreamy new single, Love Song
Emily Carter
Pearl Cook

With just over a month to go until their new EP see you in the dark, Softcult have shared next single Love Song.

The dreamy new track is an “anxious love song” according to Mercedes Arn-Horn. “It’s about loving someone so intensely that you find yourself in constant fear of losing them,” she explains. “Sometimes love and happiness can feel like these unattainable things that are too good to be true. Once we’ve finally found something our hearts have been yearning for, it’s hard to shake the thought that we will inevitably have to let it go. But these gnawing thoughts can get in the way of us allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, or enjoying our relationships for fear that they won’t last.

“If we allow our anxieties to sabotage us, we risk ruining the love we’ve found before we’ve even had a chance to fully experience it.”

Mercedes continues of the accompanying video (which you can watch below): “We wanted the video to tell the story in a different way, focussing more on getting carried away with our own imaginations when it comes to falling in love. We filmed in a small legion hall and tried to make the ambiance a little depressing and mundane. Our main character is an elderly man who’s sort of given up hope. He’s there having a beer alone while everyone else is playing bingo. When he lays eyes on Gina, his co-star, he gets lost in fantasy, imagining not only the love they might have together but the type of person he could be if he had love in his life.”

See the video for Love Song:

see you in the dark is due out on March 24 via Easy Life Records.

Read this: Softcult: “We feel a responsibility – almost a desperation – to change things before our time is over”

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