
Softcult unleash powerful single Drain, announce new EP

Taken from their just-announced See You In The Dark EP, Softcult rage against corporations and government officials prioritising wealth over climate change on new single Drain.

Softcult unleash powerful single Drain, announce new EP
Emily Carter
Pearl Cook

Softcult are back with a brilliant, important new single, Drain.

Taken from their just-announced See You In The Dark EP (which is due out on March 24, 2023 via Easy Life Records), the song sees twins Mercedes and Phoenix Arn-Horn raging against people in power who are simply destroying the planet.

“It’s disgusting how making a profit is a higher priority for those in power than a sustainable environment,” says Mercedes. “Seeing hollow shows of performative ‘action’ from these world leaders and multi-million dollar companies that don’t offer any actual solutions just adds to my frustration, because it feels like we’re being manipulated and lied to in the most disgustingly condescending way.

“There are people out there who could end world hunger right now in exchange for 10 per cent less of their billions,” she continues. “There are legislations that could reverse climate change in time to save this dying planet and spare future generations a pretty horrific existence. But these bloated fucking dragons would rather die hoarding more wealth than they could ever spend in a lifetime than part with a little to help save the world. To think these billionaires actually give a shit about us or our quality of life is just naive. So because of the one percent’s greed, their legacy will be our eventual extinction.”

Watch the video for Drain below:

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