
This Video Of A Father And Daughter Covering Killing In The Name Is Too Cute

Watch an adorable, Tom Morello-approved cover of Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name.

This Video Of A Father And Daughter Covering Killing In The Name Is Too Cute

By now, Rage Against The Machine fans in America would have gotten to see the band on their eagerly-anticipated reunion tour were it not for coronavirus putting the entire music industry – and world – on pause. But a simply adorable replacement has come about thanks to a father and his three-year-old daughter's viral cover of Killing In The Name.

The Tom Morello-approved rendition by Ujang Ijon and his daughter Audrey was adapted slightly so as not to include that iconic, 'Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me,' line (that's good parenting, right there), but little Audrey gives the performance her best shot, channeling her inner Zack de la Rocha in the absolute sweetest way.

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Ujang told Rojak Daily that the performance wasn't even rehearsed, explaining, "I usually play it while driving and she just picked it up."

He also expressed his surprise at the overwhelming response to the clip, admitting, "I never expected it to go viral. It was shocking. I was suddenly getting messages from people in Thailand, Chile, Russia and Brazil.

"I mean, even RATM's lead guitarist reposted the video!"

And with very good reason. Watch the cutest Killing In The Name cover ever below:

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