
Will there be beatboxing on the new Avenged Sevenfold album?!

“To troll or not to troll?” Guitarist Syn Gates might well be adding his very own beatboxing talents to the new A7X record…

Will there be beatboxing on the new Avenged Sevenfold album?!
Emily Carter

We’ll be honest, when we jotted down all the things we want from the new Avenged Sevenfold album, beatboxing wasn’t on the list. But a new video of guitarist Synyster Gates in the studio doing just that has… no, sorry, it hasn’t changed our mind.

The clip came about after frontman M. Shadows jokingly revealed that, while the two were in the studio together, Syn was trying to convince him that he needed to beatbox on the follow-up to The Stage. “I told him I would crowdsource opinions,” posted the singer on Twitter, along with a poll that had the answers ‘That sounds amazing’ and ‘Fuck no’. Out of 7,636 votes, 55.9 per cent opted for the former, while ‘Fuck no’ received 44.1 per cent of the vote.

Since then, Syn has clearly given things a damn good go, with M. Shadows posting a video of his bandmate’s beatboxing skills along with the caption: “To troll or not to troll? Guess we’ll find out.”

As well as potential beatboxing, the new A7X LP will include a 78-piece orchestra, as confirmed by M. Shadows and drummer Brooks Wackerman. In February this year, Brooks enthused, “One of the perks – in the creative process – is that we are able to track a 78-piece orchestra on our records. The fact that we are able to bring incredible musicians together to enhance our art still gives me chills…”

Anyway, while we await more news, hear a snippet (?!) of the new Avenged album below.

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