Following its release last Friday, Bring Me The Horizon’s new single Kool-Aid is looking like it could be one of the most immediately impactful of their whole career.
In the first look at this week’s impending results, the Official Charts have announced that the latest cut from Post Human: NeX Gen is currently sitting at Number 8 in the UK Singles Chart, meaning it would be the band’s first-ever Top 10. Given how heavy it is, that’s incredibly cool. So let’s all do what we can to keep it there!
Sharing their excitement, BMTH took to socials to write: “Keep streaming and downloading Kool-Aid. This is looking like our highest-ever chart position. Sick way to start the tour, thank u.”
Meanwhile, frontman Oli Sykes has confirmed that the delayed Post Human: NeX Gen record will be out in the summer. Explaining the initial postponement, he said that Bring Me simply wanted to give fans more songs on the album that they haven’t already heard, given that there’s already been six singles released (Die4U, sTraNgeRs, LosT, Amen!, DArkSide and of course Kool-Aid). So there’s a lot more new music to come!