
Hear FIDLAR’s new cover of Limp Bizkit’s Nookie

FIDLAR have released a pretty faithful new cover of Limp Bizkit classic Nookie – a song that Zac Carper believes “should be taught at Juilliard”.

Hear FIDLAR’s new cover of Limp Bizkit’s Nookie
Emily Carter

We’ve already had plenty of new songs from FIDLAR this year, and now the trio are going in an altogether different direction with an ace cover of Limp Bizkit’s Nookie.

The Los Angeles party punks have tackled the nu-metal classic for no other reason, it would seem, than the fact that they’re big fans: “Limp Bizkit changed my life and this song should be taught at Juilliard,” vocalist Zac Carper tells SPIN. Fair enough.

To tease the release of the cover, even Fred Durst himself has gotten on board, with three different versions of the Bizkit frontman promoting it in a video on social media (heh).

Listen to FIDLAR’s cover of Nookie below:

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