
Stay Inside: Nirvana's Stay Away – But A Self-Isolation, Coronavirus Version

Listen to a reimagined cover of Nirvana's Stay Away, featuring some vital advice on how we should all be living our lives right now.

Stay Inside: Nirvana's Stay Away – But A Self-Isolation, Coronavirus Version

It has to be said, there are still a worrying number of the population who aren't quite grasping the fact that we should all be trying to isolate ourselves at home as much as possible right now. If you know one of those people, it might be worth sending them this reimagined cover of Nirvana's Stay Away with a very important new title: Stay Inside.

Musician Urian Hackney has not only recorded, mixed and played every instrument of this new repurposed cover himself, he's also helpfully changed the original lyrics to phrases and tips "that are relevant to our current state".

'Stay your stupid ass inside / Plan your trip another time,' and 'Wipe every surface clean / I sanitise,' are some personal favourites statements here, but the whole thing is basically just the perfect public service announcement if you're still somehow unsure about how you should be protecting yourself and others against COVID-19. Thanks, Urian!

Read this next: Nirvana's 10 best videos ranked in order of greatness

Check out Stay Inside below:

Happily, Nirvana themselves are clearly fans, too:

It should be noted, of course, that if you're popping to the shops to get some supplies, the original title of Stay Away does still apply.

In other light-hearted coronavirus news, members of Touché Amoré, Every Time I Die, Harm’s Way, Angel Du$t and more have just released a hilarious parody video of Gal Gadot's celeb-filled viral Imagine video. And they chose to sing along to Smash Mouth's All Star instead, because… well, why not?

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